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About Glenn Watkins

I believe in shared life-long learning that is challenging, inspirational and fun!

I work with progressive business leaders and teams (online and in-person) one to one and workshops to unlock full potential, delivering high performance in people and accelerated business growth.

My passion for experiential learning, leadership development and entrepreneurial business growth are delivered through inVenturez Limited, which provides the services to work very closely with my clients.

Core to this is the one to one coaching and mentoring.

I use proven methodologies and structure to “hit the ground running” with clients, identifying and setting clear goals and objectives, creating a clear measurable roadmap. The one to one programme ensures we are focusing on the key areas, enabling confident decisions and on-track to deliver the vision.

I also deliver bespoke workshops, facilitate meetings and run unique retreats.

I have digital, commercial and leadership experience, including the role of co-founder and Chief Executive of the world’s first social business network in 1998, growing it globally with over half a million businesses.

I’m an NLP business practitioner and coach, C-me behavioural profile coach and formally a Vistage International / The Academy for Chief Executives UK Chairman, Coach and Mentor.

I have a passion for learning, nature and adventure. I love time with my family, time in the wild and exploring life.

My values serve my clients very well:

Curious - Positive - Empathy - Variety - Adventure

“Thank you for all your continued support.”

These seven words were with the beautiful picture (in the photo of me - with lockdown hair! - at the top of this page), sent by one of my clients. Curiosity is my core value. This really makes my heart sing and the reason why I love my work! I am deeply grateful for the trust from everyone who share their journey.

Many thanks for taking an interest in me.

I welcome the opportunity to explore more with you, please get in touch:

I work with leaders from many sectors - here’s a selection of interviews on “Leading Success”

Beth interview.JPG